eConsult online consultation

Fill out a simple online form to get advice and treatment by the end of the next working day.

eConsult – Online Patients Access

eConsult – Online Patient Access

As part of our measures to protect patients and staff during Covid-19 please use our new online service eConsult.

Available 24:7 eConsult went live on 07/05/2020 and is accessible by clicking the banner above. For those wanting to contact a GP just complete the eConsult online form and we will respond by the end of the next working day,or sooner.

There are links to a lot of general advice about many common medical conditions as well as Coronavirus infection.  You can also use eConsult to request more routine things like sick lines and copies of test results. 

Avoid call queues and simply use eConsult.

Top Tips for eConsult use

1. Try to chose the specific medical condition you wish to consult about – if you know/are fairly certain what condition you are suffering from please select “I want help for my condition” and then pick the condition from the list. This provides us with the most appropriate information for your condition.

 2. To attach a photo you must pick a specific condition.  This is especially important if you have a rash so we can more easily reach a diagnosis.  Select “I want help for my condition” and then select either:

    a. Any of the dermatology type conditions (e.g. acne, rash, hives, eczema, warts etc)
    b. Breast problems for both men and women,
    c. Cold/flu , or 
    d. Eye-based templates 

3. Try to chose General Advice only when your condition is unknown or it does not fit into any of the condition categories.

4. If asked to “give a pain score out of 10”, please score 6 or below, then put your actual pain score in the free text box. This will enable you to complete the eConsultation and for it to be sent to the practice GP Team.

Practice initiated review templates

We manage significant numbers of patients with long term conditions (LTCs e.g. asthma, contraception, COPD etc). These patients are required to be reviewed on a periodic basis to ensure their conditions are being well managed.

If you have been instructed to complete a review template please follow the requsted link below:

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