Please use this form to cancel appointments more than 24 hours in advance. If you are unable to attend an appointment please let us know in plenty of time to assign your appointment time to another patient.
Registered for online services?
If you are registered for online services then you cancel the appointment and re-book all at the same time
It is easier and quicker to book appointments and request repeat prescriptions via our online service. Simply log in and select an option.
You can also order online via our Repeat Prescription request form, by accessing the button shown below.
We operate a 72 working hour repeat prescription service by answerphone. If you telephone 01461 202244 and request option 1 at any time you will be able to place an order for any medication that your Doctor allows you to get as a repeat prescription.
The repeat prescription post box is also back in use. You will find this situated on the wall directly in front of the doors as you enter the building. Again please allow 72 working hours for any requests to be processed.
Prescriptions should be ordered at least 72 working hours in advance of collection.
In a hurry?
If you are not registered for online services or don’t have the password to hand, then you can complete our cancel appointment form below.